About Dylan Larrabee

I am an innovative and creative software engineer with multiple personal projects designed and implemented. I am experienced and comfortable with many programming languages including c, Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, python, and partial coherence in some others. I excel at crafting a functional solution to proposed concepts or ideas. Understanding of the idea and implementation of OOP. I have a solid understanding of web design as well as a moderate understanding of game development. I enjoy expanding my programming knowledge and am willing and wanting to learn any new language or structure that will improve my ability to create fast and effective code. You can download my full and updated resume by clicking here .


There are currently a few android apps I developed available for download via the Google Play Store. I have also developed a few websites; they are mostly creative projects I used for learning CSS, html, and Java Script. Most of my work can be found on the 'My Work' page later.


I am very knowledgeable of the following programming languages:

  • Javascript
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Java

  • I am atleast moderately knowledgeable of the following programming languages:
  • C
  • C++
  • C#

  • I have some knowledge of the following programming languages:
  • SQL

  • My best traits are my creativity and the ability to innovate using that creativity. Additionally, I am versatile, hard working, and disciplined. I am always aiming to be my best at anything I do; In relation to that, I always strive to increase my foundational knowledge and expand upon my current skill set.


    My goal as a programmer is to be able to work in an environment that allowes me to design and develope creative projects. I dcurrently find myself most interested in web design, but am not unqiue to it. Many aspects of programming interest me and I would love to work in any environment that will allow my programming ability to be fully utilized.

    Key Strengths:

    • Creative: Able to produce quality products that mirror the clients needs and wants

    • Versatile: Knowledgable in many programming lnaguages and able to eaily adapt or learn

    • Communication: I can easily communicate with team members and other co-workers

    • Independant and Cooperative: Alone or in a team, I will work fast and efficient


    Programming is a passion of mine, second only to excercise and nutrition. Currently, I have taken a keen interest in gymnastics, in which I am mostly self taught. I also enjoy devloping mini websites or programming concepts in my free time.

    The purpose of this website is to primarily show 3 things:

    1. My Programming Ability: All the code for this website was designed and implemented by me. Including the animation on this page.

    2. Who I Am: The information provided throughout the website, as well as the code itself, will give a good idea of the person I am.

    3. My Work: My past works, ranging from random projects I used for practice to creative ideas I implemented, if I made something worthwhile it will be here.